Monday, 8 December 2008

Mannatech OsoLean: Revolutionary Weight Loss - Lose Fat Not Muscle

This article could – and maybe should, you decide – start with scientific data about the weight loss product I recommend to my clients. There are certainly the facts and figures out there; it would be easy for me to just list them all.

But I don’t think you’re really interested in facts and figures; boring numbers and dull statistics.

If I can take a guess, I think you’re wondering: “What can this product do for me? Why is this product different to the thousands of others out there?”

To answer those questions, I’d like to tell you about Sylvia. Sylvia isn’t a made-up person, she is one of my clients who first came to see me two months ago for advice about weight loss.

It was clear from our first meeting that Sylvia was carrying more than excess weight – she was also feeling guilty that she didn’t have the energy to coach her daughter’s volleyball team; she was upset that as yet another birthday fast approached she was moving up another dress size; she was annoyed that she didn’t have the will power to choose fruit over chocolate; and she had just been advised by her doctor to watch her cholesterol levels.

Sylvia’s weight classified her as being overweight but not obese, or morbidly obese. She was actually in better shape than many people in England and America. But, again, facts and figures only tell part of a story. Sylvia was also a woman in distress, her confidence was slowly being eaten away as she lived every day in a body she hated.

Sylvia had been a dancer from childhood into her teens. She had trained early each morning and had followed a strict diet. She was active, healthy, and toned until she fell pregnant with her daughter when she was nineteen. Her weight had gradually increased since then, with Sylvia attempting various diets and joining the gym every January for the last four years only to never use her membership and cancel it at some point during the year.

Her knowledge of fad diets was, frankly, a scary commentary on modern life. Cabbage soup, South Beach, Atkins, Lemonade, Hollywood, Chicken Soup… you name the diet, she had tried it. On many, she had even lost some weight, but the diet changes were so dramatic they weren’t realistic long-term, and Sylvia always regained all of the lost weight, plus some extra.

You can probably imagine Sylvia’s surprise when I told her to begin using a weight loss supplement. As a qualified nutritionist, that isn’t what people expect to hear from me.

Here are some basic truths about weight loss supplements…

In theory, they’re actually a great idea – they offer fast weight loss results, which encourage the person using them that they are seeing results and incentivize them to continue with the diet changes to see further results. Weight loss supplements should only ever be used together with a healthy diet – and trust me, a diet of just cabbage soup or only protein is not healthy – and moderate exercise.

The huge problem with the vast majority of weight loss supplements is that their ingredients can actually be harmful. Even if they don’t pose a risk to your health, virtually all of them contain ingredients that should be limited in our diets, not supplemented, and any weight loss they provide is often loss of vital muscle, not fat!

Taking that into account, it would be irresponsible and unethical for me to recommend any weight loss supplement to my clients – unless it was truly a revolutionary product that contained safe and natural ingredients and actually did what it claimed to.

Enter Mannatech’s OsoLean. OsoLean is a powder based product made from an advanced protein peptide technology – allowing your body to burn fat (meaning you lose weight, shed inches and go down dress sizes) while maintaining your vital muscle mass.

OsoLean also helps you feel full faster, encouraging healthy portion sizes and helping you overcome any excessive snacking.

As OsoLean helps you lose fat but maintain muscle, you will develop the type of body you have perhaps hoped for for years. But, more importantly, this toned, low-fat body will also be efficient at resisting diseases including heart disease, diabetes and even cancer. You will truly look great and feel better than you may ever remember having felt before.

OsoLean is a fully patented product – which means that the product’s fat loss claims have all been considered at length and proven to be true by the Patents Office. Basically – it works.

Sylvia has been using OsoLean for two months now. She has made changes to her diet that were necessary, but she still enjoys a take away meal each weekend and doesn’t deny herself treats. She has, however, reported that she eats smaller portion sizes and feels satisfied with these, and doesn’t feel the need to have biscuits and chocolate after dinner as she used to. She has a busy job and family life, and a dog who needs regular walks, so I ordered her to stop wasting money on gym memberships!

Sylvia was amazed at her eight week consultation with me to discover that she has already lost a stone! Her clothes are noticeably baggy, while when we first met, her shirt was clearly a very snug fit. Sylvia has also noticed that she has more energy and is sleeping better, and her cholesterol levels are lower and no longer concerning her doctor. Now, when I meet with Sylvia, she appears happy and confident – she is proud of the fat loss she is achieving and because the changes she has made are maintainable, she is certain she will reach her goal weight and remain healthy.

If you are looking for a healthy, sensible way to lose weight and improve your health, I strongly recommend that you consider using OsoLean.
To your wellbeing
Katie Rebecca Williams

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