Sunday, 14 December 2008

Why Mannatech's PhytoMatrix Is The Most Superior Multivitamin Available

This article is compiled following a lecture by Dr Rob Sinnott, Mannatech's Chief Science Officer, on 15 April 2008.

Dr Sinnott explained that when considering a multivitamin product, it is the interaction between vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals that is important.

Dr Sinnott mentioned, as an aside, that just that day (15 April) there had been a headline in ‘The Independent’ reporting that Sanatogen, the UK’s bestselling multivitamin brand, used harmful additives in their products. The article is online here:

Dr Sinnott explained that it was this below-par level of alternative multivitamins that made Mannatech begin developing PhytoMatrix several years ago. (Naturally, developing a product and getting it to market is a lengthy process!)

Dr Sinnott explained how the all-natural vitamins contained within PhytoMatrix have long been the Holy Grail of the nutrition industry. Not a single other multivitamin product contains all natural vitamins. Some may have one or two vitamins from natural sources, but not the complete range. PhytoMatrix only uses natural vitamins.

This in itself would make the product superior to rival brands, as the peer journal Medical Hypothesis (2000) reported that natural vitamins are absorbed up to 390% better than synthetic vitamins, and are retained in the body up to 170% better.

However, PhytoMatrix also uses a plant derived mineral technology. Mannatech were in fact developing this technology for years, but another company patented the technology before Mannatech. Always happy to learn from other companies, the very day after that patent was filed, Dr Sinnott was on a plane flying to this company’s headquarters to meet with them. The result? Mannatech now have the exclusive rights to use this patented technology – so if you ever hear another company claiming to use plant derived mineral technology in their multivitamins, you can know immediately they are being less than honest.

This mineral technology is important because – basically – people cannot eat rocks! Even though many multivitamins will state on their labels that they contain high mineral levels (and, those labels are probably accurate), the minerals are not in a form that the body can absorb. This is a well-known issue, as reported in the peer journal Food Technology 71 (2000).

PhytoMatrix’s minerals are predigested by a plant, Hydroponic Brassica, which has been shown through testing at the Chernobyl site to have an enormous capacity to uptake minerals from the soil. For example, a mouthful serving of broccoli, a very nutritious vegetable, provides you with >0.1% of your daily requirement for selenium, while the same serving of Hydroponic Brassica will provide you with 900% of your daily requirement for selenium.

Naturally, 900% is not always an advantage over 100%, so the mineral levels in PhytoMatrix may appear lower than in rival multivitamin products. This is because the plant predigestion increases the mineral solubility.

As well as the natural vitamins and plant derived minerals, PhytoMatrix includes five specific phytochemicals. While phytochemicals are not vitamins per se, they are the nutrients that allow the body to utilise vitamins and minerals. It is the ‘symphony’ combination of these three elements that makes PhytoMatrix such a superior product.

The phytochemicals that Dr Sinnott selected to be used in PhytoMatrix are those shown to be most important in relation to vitamin and mineral absorption. They are:

1. Suforaphanes and glucosinclates – shown to be very important for liver health
2. Rutin - a bioflavonoid, which are very powerful antioxidants
3. Carotenoids
4. Phenolic compounds – these are the things that make people say red wine is good for you!
5. Tocopherols – a precursor for Vitamin E, and a powerful antioxidant

Dr Sinnott is working at creating a children’s version of PhytoMatrix and expects this to be available in around a year’s time. He explained that the actual formula will remain the same, but they have to make it taste nice without using artificial colourants or sweeteners. He knows that if they do not achieve this, children will not use the product.

PhytoMatrix is recommended for anyone aged 12 and above. However, this is only used as a guideline because in terms of supplements adulthood begins at 12. There is nothing toxic or harmful in this product, and the children’s version will not contain different ingredients, so he advised that if your under-12 will take the tablets, there is no reason they shouldn’t.

PhytoMatrix is available to buy now - please contact me at or on 01623 451174 (+44 1623 451174 if you're outside the UK) for more information or to place an order.

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