Wednesday, 17 December 2008

Easily Increase Your Chances of Successful Weight Loss

If you're like most people, losing weight is probably one of your goals for 2009. Whether you want to lose a few pounds to stop your jeans being tight, or have been told to lose several stones for your health, you're far from alone in deciding that the New Year is the perfect time to change your diet and increase your exercise.

The problem is, there's every chance that losing weight was also one of your goals for 2008, and other years before then.

If so, here are some easy ways you can increase your chances of achieving your weight loss goals:

  1. Start now - just by changing your diet a little before Christmas, as opposed to waiting until afterwards, you dramatically increase your chances of successfully reaching your target weight. How is this possible? It has a lot to do with mindset. Let's be honest here, virtually the whole country will begin a diet on January 1, 2009. And most of them know deep down that they will not lose the weight they want to. You don't have to be part of that group. Stand out by beginning your weight loss programme right now. Sure, you'll need to refuse the second and third helpings of pudding on Christmas Day, but imagine the satisfaction you will feel when you step on the scales before New Year's Day and see that you are already losing weight!
  2. Get help - I offer a completely free service where I help keep you on track to achieve your weight loss. You simply email me your weight and/or measurements (if you want to fit into a pair of jeans again, you don't really want to lose weight, you want to lose inches) each week and I respond and offer advice and encouragement. Just this simple process will really increase the chances that you will achieve your goal weight, because you are being accountable to someone and receiving encouragement.
  3. Take advantage of supplements - to help you see results quickly, a natural weight loss supplement is a great aid to get you started, and keep you on track. I recommend OsoLean, a fat loss product that is helping people lose an inch of fat each week.

If you'd like to take advantage of my free weight loss support service, simply email me at with "Weight Loss" as the subject line.

Tuesday, 16 December 2008

Calcium and Obesity

Quite apart from its key role of supporting skeletal health, dietary calcium is also know to play an important role in regulating chronic disease risk. Research shows that a diet combining dairy and fruit and vegetables as opposed to vegetables alone has a profound effect on reducing blood pressure. Evidence also suggests that a calcium rich diet not only reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease but also plays an important role in the prevention and treatment of obesity.

A study in the Journal of Physical Activity and Health trialled 199 men and women in Calcium (yes, real place name!), New York. The programme provided one-to-one nutrition counselling urging the participants to choose low-fat dairy products and walk at least 10,000 steps a day. At the end of the 16 week programme, participants lost an average of 13.2 pounds.

The potential of calcium to act as an emulsifier and wash fat from the body has now been recognised and used in OsoLean, a revolutionary weight loss product that targets fat loss specifically.

With 85% of the US population predicted to be overweight or obese by 2030, ensuring you are in the healthy weight minority has never been more important. Contact me to get started.

Monday, 15 December 2008

Why Ambrotose? The Benefits of Glyconutrients

Here are some of the reasons why glyconutrients are a vital supplement for everyone who cares about their wellbeing.

1.The Royal Society of Medicine, London, England presented glyconutrient technology to their top scientists.

After the presentation, John Axford, BSC, MD, FRCP, President of the Section of Clinical Immunology and Allergy at the Royal Society of Medicine, and a Fulbright Scholar, was so impressed with the information that he researched glyconutrients and decided to join the board of Mannatech - the company who hold the patent for glyconutrient supplements. Nobody from the Royal Society of Medicine has ever done this with a nutritional company before. John Axford has written two best-selling medical textbooks, written over fifty reviewed papers and over one hundred published medical abstracts. He also sits on the board of three prestigious medical journals.

This man would not risk his reputation by joining a nutritional supplement company unless he was entirely convinced that glyconutrients were an important discovery.

2. MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology - annual review magazine called, "Technology Review"

The front cover of the Feb. 2003 issue stated: "10 Emerging Technologies that WILL change the world!"

Glycomics (the study of glyconutrients) was listed among the 10. It went on to say, "The reason for the excitement around glycomics is that sugars have a vital, albeit often overlooked, function in the body. The medical potential is absolutely enormous."

No other nutritional supplement in the world has ever been listed as having a technology that WILL change the world by MIT.

3. Glyconutrient science presented at the 8th Annual World Congress on Medicine Dec. 2003, held in Geneva, Switzerland and sponsored by the United Nations.

Glyconutrients are the only nutritional supplement in the world that has been presented at the World Congress.

4. An interview with Dr. Ben Carson, the world famous director of pediatric neuro-surgery at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, by Dallas Weekly Magazine, Feb 2004 issue.

Dr. Carson has been named by both CNN and Time Magazine as one of the top 20 doctors in America. Dr. Carson has experienced an amazing change in his quality of life by using glyconutrients.

Dr. Carson made this statement: "The science made sense to me. God gave us in plants what we need to remain healthy. In today's world our food chain is depleted of nutrients and our environment has helped destroy what God gave us. I do not see glyconutrients as unnatural. I see them as complementary to traditional medicine. Dietary supplements should become an integral part of health care in this country."

No other nutritional supplement has been heralded by a doctor of such standing.

5. An article by Dr. John Rollins, a former high-ranking, award-winning United States Patent and Trademark official, was published in the Aug. 2004 issue of the Atlanta Voice Newspaper titled, "Disruptive Technology Brings Hope to Healthcare".

The Atlantic Voice asked him, "During your 20-year career in the US Patent Office, did you examine any single discovery in bio-affecting compositions that stood out above the rest in its potential to impact the future of health?"

Dr. Rollins answered, "Yes! There have been many significant discoveries, but one stands head and shoulders above the rest; the discovery of a new category of vital nutrients called glyconutrients. This discovery might provide the single biggest opportunity to impact health from both ends of the spectrum. First, glyconutrients are essential for normal defense functions, making them one of the best strategies for reducing the risk of disease. Second, they are also necessary to support the normal functions of repair, making them one of the most critical strategies for supporting the body's normal healing functions. This is one of the most important discoveries of the 21st Century.”

No other nutritional supplement in the world has ever been talked about by anyone from the US Patent Office as one of the most important discoveries of the 21st Century.

6. MIT's Annual Emerging Technologies Conference (Sept. 2004).

Glyconutrient science was presented here by Mannatech - the company who hold the patent for this technology; the first time a nutritional supplement company has been asked to speak among the top innovators at this historic conference.

No other nutritional supplement developers in the world has been asked to speak at an MIT Annual Emerging Technology Conference.

7. Congressional Hearing: November 14, 2001 on Comprehensive Medical Care for Bioterrorism Exposure.

Dr. Reginald McDaniel, who is co-author on the patent for glyconutrients, was the only person from a nutrition company asked by Congress to speak.

At the Congressional meeting on Bioterrorism, Dr. McDaniel explained that the front line defense against bio-terrorism is a strong immune system and that only glyconutrients can provide that kind of protection.

Since speaking, glyconutrients are sweeping the capitol and many Senators and Congressmen are now taking glyconutrients. No other nutritional company in the world has ever been asked to speak before Congress on Bioterrorism.

8. Dr Bill McAnalley, who is also co-author on the patent for glyconutrients, was invited to speak at the United States Patent Office, because of the unique filing on patented nutrients.

No other nutrition company in the world has ever been asked to present to the US Patent Office.

9. Proevity Continuing Education Group gives CME’s to doctors on the science of glycomics.

Doctoral candidates are doing their research at the labs where the glyconutrient complex was developed. No other company in the world is awarding Continuing Education Credits for a technology they discovered and patented.

10. Roller-compaction technology protects the integrity of the ingredients, making it more efficacious and bio-available.

Oxidation is a problem in other nutritional supplements and roller-compaction, in essence, encapsulates the active ingredients to help prevent oxidation. Oxidation is what causes a product to spoil and lose its potency. Other companies use products that have fillers that are used to facilitate the production process. However, by "roller-compacting" the ingredients, what is created is a product that flows through the production process.

Fillers also pose another problem. Some people are allergic to certain fillers. Every time companies add a filler to a nutritional supplement they increase the number of people who may have an allergy to the product. By eliminating the fillers, it eliminates potential allergens.

Additionally, roller- compacting will reduce the size of the capsule, caplet or pill which makes it easier to swallow -- a challenge especially for women who have smaller throats. No other company in the world has their entire product line using this technology at this time. Patented glyconutrient supplements are benefited by this technology.

As the above facts illustrate, glyconutrients are an exciting development that are changing lives across the world.

To learn more contact me at or visit

Sunday, 14 December 2008

Why Mannatech's PhytoMatrix Is The Most Superior Multivitamin Available

This article is compiled following a lecture by Dr Rob Sinnott, Mannatech's Chief Science Officer, on 15 April 2008.

Dr Sinnott explained that when considering a multivitamin product, it is the interaction between vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals that is important.

Dr Sinnott mentioned, as an aside, that just that day (15 April) there had been a headline in ‘The Independent’ reporting that Sanatogen, the UK’s bestselling multivitamin brand, used harmful additives in their products. The article is online here:

Dr Sinnott explained that it was this below-par level of alternative multivitamins that made Mannatech begin developing PhytoMatrix several years ago. (Naturally, developing a product and getting it to market is a lengthy process!)

Dr Sinnott explained how the all-natural vitamins contained within PhytoMatrix have long been the Holy Grail of the nutrition industry. Not a single other multivitamin product contains all natural vitamins. Some may have one or two vitamins from natural sources, but not the complete range. PhytoMatrix only uses natural vitamins.

This in itself would make the product superior to rival brands, as the peer journal Medical Hypothesis (2000) reported that natural vitamins are absorbed up to 390% better than synthetic vitamins, and are retained in the body up to 170% better.

However, PhytoMatrix also uses a plant derived mineral technology. Mannatech were in fact developing this technology for years, but another company patented the technology before Mannatech. Always happy to learn from other companies, the very day after that patent was filed, Dr Sinnott was on a plane flying to this company’s headquarters to meet with them. The result? Mannatech now have the exclusive rights to use this patented technology – so if you ever hear another company claiming to use plant derived mineral technology in their multivitamins, you can know immediately they are being less than honest.

This mineral technology is important because – basically – people cannot eat rocks! Even though many multivitamins will state on their labels that they contain high mineral levels (and, those labels are probably accurate), the minerals are not in a form that the body can absorb. This is a well-known issue, as reported in the peer journal Food Technology 71 (2000).

PhytoMatrix’s minerals are predigested by a plant, Hydroponic Brassica, which has been shown through testing at the Chernobyl site to have an enormous capacity to uptake minerals from the soil. For example, a mouthful serving of broccoli, a very nutritious vegetable, provides you with >0.1% of your daily requirement for selenium, while the same serving of Hydroponic Brassica will provide you with 900% of your daily requirement for selenium.

Naturally, 900% is not always an advantage over 100%, so the mineral levels in PhytoMatrix may appear lower than in rival multivitamin products. This is because the plant predigestion increases the mineral solubility.

As well as the natural vitamins and plant derived minerals, PhytoMatrix includes five specific phytochemicals. While phytochemicals are not vitamins per se, they are the nutrients that allow the body to utilise vitamins and minerals. It is the ‘symphony’ combination of these three elements that makes PhytoMatrix such a superior product.

The phytochemicals that Dr Sinnott selected to be used in PhytoMatrix are those shown to be most important in relation to vitamin and mineral absorption. They are:

1. Suforaphanes and glucosinclates – shown to be very important for liver health
2. Rutin - a bioflavonoid, which are very powerful antioxidants
3. Carotenoids
4. Phenolic compounds – these are the things that make people say red wine is good for you!
5. Tocopherols – a precursor for Vitamin E, and a powerful antioxidant

Dr Sinnott is working at creating a children’s version of PhytoMatrix and expects this to be available in around a year’s time. He explained that the actual formula will remain the same, but they have to make it taste nice without using artificial colourants or sweeteners. He knows that if they do not achieve this, children will not use the product.

PhytoMatrix is recommended for anyone aged 12 and above. However, this is only used as a guideline because in terms of supplements adulthood begins at 12. There is nothing toxic or harmful in this product, and the children’s version will not contain different ingredients, so he advised that if your under-12 will take the tablets, there is no reason they shouldn’t.

PhytoMatrix is available to buy now - please contact me at or on 01623 451174 (+44 1623 451174 if you're outside the UK) for more information or to place an order.

Saturday, 13 December 2008

Vitamin D and Type 1 Diabetes

A Finnish study has linked Vitamin D to reducing the risk of developing Type 1 diabetes in children. The study, which monitored over 12,000 babies born in 1966, showed that those who supplemented the correct amount of Vitamin D had an 80% decreased risk of developing diabetes. It was also found that children with rickets - a problem linked to Vitamin D deficiency - stood a three times higher risk of developing Type 1 diabetes.

In a recently published paper, William B Grant PhD presented a highly plausible theory to explain why Vitamin D might help prevent Type 1 diabetes. He found that several autoimmune diseases, of which Type 1 diabetes is one, are connected to viral infections. These escalate in the winter months when there is less exposure to sunlight. Vitamin D is made in response to UVB sun rays and so deficiency is more common in the winter months. Vitamin D promotes the production of bodily compounds that fight viral infection and so lessen the chances of risk of autoimmune diseases.

While further research is required in this area, these reports highlight the importance of supplementing our diets with a correctly balanced multivitamin. To review your current multivitamin with me, just contact me on

Friday, 12 December 2008

How Safe Is Aspirin?

Aspirin (Acetylsalicylic Acid) is a drug commonly recommended for daily use. But how safe is it really?

Aspirin's pain relief properties were first recognised in the pharmaceutical boom of 1900 when the first aspirin tablet was manufactured by the Frederick Bayer Corporation of Germany. Some ninety years later, research from Harvard Medical School noted that taking aspirin on a regular basis could reduce the risk of heart attack. Since then, aspirin has become the most often used drug for cardiocascular health, as well as being prescribed in the treatment of inflammation, pain and fever.

The commonly known fact that aspirin can cause internal bleeding has long been overlooked as being of small rick when compared to the protection that aspirin is believed to offer against heart attack and stroke. However, this is no small fact, and The Stroke Association is demanding that aspirin come with a health warning making people aware of its blood thinning qualities.

In fact, an Australian study reported in the British Medical Journal in 2007 found that elder patients using aspirin had a considerable increase of bleeding in the brain and gastro-intestinal tract. Furthermore, a French study from 2003 suggests that angina and heart attacks may be triggered by the sudden cessation of daily aspirin use.

In a significant number of cases, aspirin should be avoided completely. These cases include people on blood thinning medication (i.e. Warfarin, Heparin), people with poor kidney function and peptic ulcers, asthmatic patients, people with hyperuricemia and gout, pregnant women and nursing mothers, and children.

Even people who may use aspirin should be aware of possible side effects, which range from ringing in the ears, ulcerations, liver toxicity, nausea kidney impairment, rashes and vertigo.

The best advice for now is to avoid aspirin completely if you are in the above groups and, if you are not, to only use the drug responsibly.

Thursday, 11 December 2008

Why Eating Broccoli Is Vital For Diabetics

A study conducted at the University of Warwick has found that eating broccoli regularly can reverse the damage done to blood vessels in diabetics due to a high sugar level (hyperglycemia).

Both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetics are five times more likely to develop cardiovascular problems such as heart attacks and strokes than normal, as both are linked to damaged blood vessels.

A compound called sulforaphane found in brassica vegetables, including broccoli, encourages the production of enzymes which protect the blood vessels.

Professor Paul Thornally and his team found that sulforophane triggered production of a protein called nrf2 which guards cells and tissue from damage by stimulating protective antioxidants and detoxifying enzymes. When absorbed into cells, nrf2 activates the defence systems concurrently; the cells' natural antioxidant levels increase and also the enzymes that eradicate toxins from the cells.

The team concluded that activation of nrf2 may prevent the biochemical dysfunction of cells that line the inside of the blood vessels caused by high levels of blood sugar, and Professor Thornally advises that sulforaphane from vegetables including broccoli may help counter processes linked to the development of vascular disease in diabetics.

I recommend that all diabetic clients supplement a compound of 12 dehydrated fruits and vegetables, including broccoli, to ensure they are consuming and absorbing the highest quantity of nutrients possible. For more information about this product, contact me at

Wednesday, 10 December 2008

Are You Suffering From Zinc Deficiency?

Since it was discovered in the 1960s that humans can be deficient in zinc, it has been realised that the deficiency is extremely widespread worldwide.
An essential mineral required for proper immune function, zinc deficiency has been linked to:
  • Defective connective tissue
  • Macular degeneration
  • Collagen reduction
  • Delayed skeletal maturation
  • Growth retardation
  • Lack of sexual development in females
  • Mental retardation
  • Impaired nerve cunduction and nerve damage
  • Impaired taste and smell
  • Impaired wound healing
  • Anorexia
  • Lethargy
  • Diarrhoea

Zinc deficiency can also be caused by trauma, burns and protein losing health problems. It is also common in the over 50s.

One paper in The Journal of the American College of Nutrition 543 concluded that low consumption of zinc in India was associated with the prevalance of coronary artery disease and diabetes - both widespread problems in both America and England.

While zinc deficiency is common, its diagnosis is difficult. Many chronic disorders present the same symptoms as zinc deficiency, leading to misdiagnoses or incomplete diagnoses.

Zinc deficiency can, however, easily be avoided with responsible supplementation. While it is possible to obtain some zinc from eating a diet containing red meat, beans, nuts, whole grains and dairy products, these don't provide the level necessary to avoid deficiency.

I recommend that all of my clients use a multivitamin supplement that provides the correct balance of all natural vitamins, pre-digested minerals (including zinc) and phytochemicals. This three-way synergy offers your body the highest quality nutrients in easily absorbable, balanced quantities.

For an impartial review of any multivitamin product you currently use, and advice on how you can avoid zinc deficiency, contact me at

Tuesday, 9 December 2008

Glyconutrients: Healthy Cells Make Healthy Bodies

For thousands of years, people have turned to the healing properties of plants to improve their health. Through trial and error within communities, these plants were then either added to people’s daily diets, or used when necessary to combat particular symptoms.

To this day, scientists are still researching and working with plants from around the world and making them available via health supplements to the global community. A well known example of this modern practice is Aloe Vera, a plant that has been recognised as offering medicinal benefits for centuries.

For some time Aloe Vera was considered to just be fiber, which would explain its relevance to the gastro intestinal system, but no further benefits. This belief was shattered in the 1980s when Dr Bill McAnalley, a PhD pharmacologist, discovered that the key active ingredient within Aloe Vera was actually a polysaccharide.

This explained why Aloe Vera offers such wide health benefits, and Dr McAnalley began researching other polysaccharides for similar results. He identified a further seven polysaccharides that are used by the body to enable individual cells to communicate. The body’s every communication, instruction and requirement is expressed via chains of these eight polysaccharides, which Dr McAnalley termed ‘glyconutrients’.

Given an adequate supply of glyconutrients, our body is able to communicate its every need – including change of temperature, alerting the body that a threat (a virus or enemy cell) has been located, and identifying that another cell is friendly and not a threat. This is the basic process that allows the body to function and remain healthy.

Dr McAnalley discovered, however, that glyconutrients cannot be produced by the body itself and must therefore be provided through diet. However, many of the eight polysaccharides that combine to form the glyconutrient chain are sourced from plant gums and algae that are not present in most people’s diets.

It was therefore discovered that supplementing these polysaccharides is vital. Dr McAnalley developed a correctly balanced glyconutrient complex called Ambrotose, which has been granted over 40 patents worldwide. Each patent demonstrates that the country or area in which it was granted recognises that Ambrotose contains the correct balance of glyconutrients and that glyconutrients are necessary for cell-to-cell communication within the body.

Ambrotose does not claim to fight any particular diseases or health problems. Rather, it focuses on enabling the body to do what it would naturally do in an ideal world free from pollution, poor quality food and chemical farming. Taking Ambrotose every day will improve your body’s basic functioning by enabling each cell to communicate its needs consistently.
Ambrotose is a supplement that I use every day religiously, and I recommend that all of my clients (whatever their current state of health) do the same. I have personally used Ambrotose for three years. If you'd like to know more about my firsthand experiences of using Ambrotose, you can contact me at
Please note: the prices on this website are in US Dollars. Ambrotose is available in all countries; if you are outside the US, please leave your details and I will get back to you with pricing details for your country.
To your wellbeing
Katie Williams

Monday, 8 December 2008

Mannatech OsoLean: Revolutionary Weight Loss - Lose Fat Not Muscle

This article could – and maybe should, you decide – start with scientific data about the weight loss product I recommend to my clients. There are certainly the facts and figures out there; it would be easy for me to just list them all.

But I don’t think you’re really interested in facts and figures; boring numbers and dull statistics.

If I can take a guess, I think you’re wondering: “What can this product do for me? Why is this product different to the thousands of others out there?”

To answer those questions, I’d like to tell you about Sylvia. Sylvia isn’t a made-up person, she is one of my clients who first came to see me two months ago for advice about weight loss.

It was clear from our first meeting that Sylvia was carrying more than excess weight – she was also feeling guilty that she didn’t have the energy to coach her daughter’s volleyball team; she was upset that as yet another birthday fast approached she was moving up another dress size; she was annoyed that she didn’t have the will power to choose fruit over chocolate; and she had just been advised by her doctor to watch her cholesterol levels.

Sylvia’s weight classified her as being overweight but not obese, or morbidly obese. She was actually in better shape than many people in England and America. But, again, facts and figures only tell part of a story. Sylvia was also a woman in distress, her confidence was slowly being eaten away as she lived every day in a body she hated.

Sylvia had been a dancer from childhood into her teens. She had trained early each morning and had followed a strict diet. She was active, healthy, and toned until she fell pregnant with her daughter when she was nineteen. Her weight had gradually increased since then, with Sylvia attempting various diets and joining the gym every January for the last four years only to never use her membership and cancel it at some point during the year.

Her knowledge of fad diets was, frankly, a scary commentary on modern life. Cabbage soup, South Beach, Atkins, Lemonade, Hollywood, Chicken Soup… you name the diet, she had tried it. On many, she had even lost some weight, but the diet changes were so dramatic they weren’t realistic long-term, and Sylvia always regained all of the lost weight, plus some extra.

You can probably imagine Sylvia’s surprise when I told her to begin using a weight loss supplement. As a qualified nutritionist, that isn’t what people expect to hear from me.

Here are some basic truths about weight loss supplements…

In theory, they’re actually a great idea – they offer fast weight loss results, which encourage the person using them that they are seeing results and incentivize them to continue with the diet changes to see further results. Weight loss supplements should only ever be used together with a healthy diet – and trust me, a diet of just cabbage soup or only protein is not healthy – and moderate exercise.

The huge problem with the vast majority of weight loss supplements is that their ingredients can actually be harmful. Even if they don’t pose a risk to your health, virtually all of them contain ingredients that should be limited in our diets, not supplemented, and any weight loss they provide is often loss of vital muscle, not fat!

Taking that into account, it would be irresponsible and unethical for me to recommend any weight loss supplement to my clients – unless it was truly a revolutionary product that contained safe and natural ingredients and actually did what it claimed to.

Enter Mannatech’s OsoLean. OsoLean is a powder based product made from an advanced protein peptide technology – allowing your body to burn fat (meaning you lose weight, shed inches and go down dress sizes) while maintaining your vital muscle mass.

OsoLean also helps you feel full faster, encouraging healthy portion sizes and helping you overcome any excessive snacking.

As OsoLean helps you lose fat but maintain muscle, you will develop the type of body you have perhaps hoped for for years. But, more importantly, this toned, low-fat body will also be efficient at resisting diseases including heart disease, diabetes and even cancer. You will truly look great and feel better than you may ever remember having felt before.

OsoLean is a fully patented product – which means that the product’s fat loss claims have all been considered at length and proven to be true by the Patents Office. Basically – it works.

Sylvia has been using OsoLean for two months now. She has made changes to her diet that were necessary, but she still enjoys a take away meal each weekend and doesn’t deny herself treats. She has, however, reported that she eats smaller portion sizes and feels satisfied with these, and doesn’t feel the need to have biscuits and chocolate after dinner as she used to. She has a busy job and family life, and a dog who needs regular walks, so I ordered her to stop wasting money on gym memberships!

Sylvia was amazed at her eight week consultation with me to discover that she has already lost a stone! Her clothes are noticeably baggy, while when we first met, her shirt was clearly a very snug fit. Sylvia has also noticed that she has more energy and is sleeping better, and her cholesterol levels are lower and no longer concerning her doctor. Now, when I meet with Sylvia, she appears happy and confident – she is proud of the fat loss she is achieving and because the changes she has made are maintainable, she is certain she will reach her goal weight and remain healthy.

If you are looking for a healthy, sensible way to lose weight and improve your health, I strongly recommend that you consider using OsoLean.
To your wellbeing
Katie Rebecca Williams